The policies of ‘Tooth Fairy’ are statements based on human aspirations, set of values, commitments, assessment of current situation and an image of a desired future situation.
• Political Commitment:
Our services will be provided without any affiliation with particular race, party or politics.
• Financial Implications:
As a non-profit approach, all doctors and medical/ dental students/ professionals of ‘Tooth Fairy’ will work as ‘volunteers’. Our projects will be financed by donations from individuals/ organizations and company sponsorships.
• Administrative Reforms:
The whole program will be administered under and nursed by senior dental professionals and dental public health experts.
• Community participation:
Through field projects, we will be working with different regional organizations and communities to directly approach the people in need.
• Legislation:
An official committee will have the formal power to create and interpret legislation. Members can act only within the powers and limits set by the committee. An ‘Advisory Board’ will monitor and evaluate the program as a whole.
Tooth Fairy by Dr. Alvee Rahman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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